[Amps] MOVs on HV PS

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Mar 5 16:23:47 EST 2007

> 220 volt line.  So my question is, should I remove the 
> MOVs from the 220
> volt input in the power supply (where they clamp from line 
> to chassis
> ground)?  In case it matters, I feed the power supply from 
> a 220 volt line
> with ground, no neutral.

I'd remove that lead to the chassis, a connection to a 
floating neutral would be OK.

> In case you decide to look up the original article, please 
> note that the
> author improperly used the chassis as the neutral to get 
> 110 from.  i.e.
> where he needed 110 he used one side of the 220 line and 
> chassis.  I note
> that in the 2006 ARRL handbook, the same author has 
> corrected that practice
> and now utilizes a 220 line with neutral.

There have been a few death traps in the Handbook. I 
remember a pair of 3-500's and a power supply that had a 
problem. They seem to be looking at stuff better now.

73 Tom 

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