[Amps] Converting T/R Relay to Vacuum Relays

Lee Buller k0wa at swbell.net
Tue Mar 6 12:28:21 EST 2007


I have an Ameritron AL80A that is working just great.  Yes, I do not load it over 400 mills either.  Well, I am tired of the "clanky" relay that the amp uses for T/R sequence and have been looking the internet for installing vacuum relays.  There is quite a few people who have done this and there is a kit out there for an SB220, but really nothing for the AL80A or like amps.

My thoughts are to use a Gigvac GH1HAM relay for the output and a reed relay for the input (although I have yet to find a reed relay I like) and then used electronic switch (TIP33 or something similar) to turn the amp on and off.  TheTIP33 would be in "series" with the input relay so the timing would be that I would close the output relay before turning on the input relay.  I have read papers by Tom and Ian about this, but has anyone done this that has a more direct approach?  I want to stay with the 12 volt relays because I don't want the hassle of producing 26.5 volts for the surplus relays.  The Gigavac relay is just 69 bucks which I think is a bargain.

Comments from the learned?

Lee Buller

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