[Amps] Amp Supply LK500-zc tube asymmetry

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Tue Mar 20 18:21:19 EST 2007

> Thanks for the suggestions, DD and Tom; I got into the 
> input circuitry; Tom you were right on -- found the grids 
> 'floating' through some bypass caps; RF was being fed 
> through 10ohm resistors to the filament leads (probaby not 
> to bad); the filament 'bus' grounded through 1 ohm/ 25pf 
> series network... removing all of these extra parts and 
> bringing it back to the schematic yields evenly-heating 
> tubes on keydown, and 1300 watts output with 80w drive.


As I suspected, your amplifier had some useless 
modifications. These mods add needless parts that don't fix 
a thing and really just potentially cause problems.

If you want a glitch resistor, use a high voltage pulse 
rated resistor of some reasonable value. 10-20 ohms would be 
the minimum useful value, and the resistor belongs in the HV 
supply line just after the filter caps. The small glitch 
resistors in your amp don't do a darned thing except cause 
problems. The supply already has several ohms of internal 
resistance, so a couple ohms in a resistor rated at only a 
few hundred volts really doesn't change glitch current any 
notable amount.

By all means just ground the grid pins. Ground every grid 
pin with very short leads to the chassis.

Then you can get rid of all the problems waiting to happen, 
and the next time the amplifier arcs stress on one tube 
can't happen.

73 Tom

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