Alex Aimette w2ox at verizon.net
Tue Mar 20 18:59:15 EST 2007

I have always been just reading the mail on this reflector and learn a lot!
My only comment would be that when you answer a question or make a 
comment on the reflector---make sure you make clear  in your 
comment/answer that what you say is based on:

1-YOUR ACTUAL EXPERIENCE - give the circumstances so we can all see if 
it fits the present problem/question et al!

2-BOOK KNOWLEDGE/THEORY- which may be irrelevent,  not true at all, or 
not applicable to the present question!

 From my years in research and from the advice of my expert friends: 
W3GM (RIP) et al  there is a BIG difference!!!!

Alex w2ox

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