[Amps] questions

c. carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Mar 23 17:04:10 EST 2007

    There have been some "stupid questions" asked and some "more than 
stupid" answers !!!!!
        I've been around for more years than I care to admit, and it 
bugs me no end to hear these
"hoilier than thou" people? respond to these younger folks ( ?)
    i'm not the supreme expert on anything on any technical subject, But 
anyone who runs down another person , in my mind is as low as anyone can 
get.!!! An "extra class" license today isn't much more than a "novice" 
or at the most a "general" class today. I hate to admit it but many 
years ago I failed the extra class test, BUT, I passed the FCC  first 
phone test !!! Doesn't that tell you something??
      Please don't get down on anyone until , and unless , you know who 
and what you are talking about.!!!
       Just another "oldham"
       carl / kz5ca

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