[Amps] 160 m antenna swr

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sat Mar 24 08:57:34 EST 2007

V47KP wrote:

 >The best we have been able to do is get a swr of about  1.7-2.0  which
limits how much power we can feed to about net 800 watts (forward
1050-ref 250 w).

         Alex I have heard and worked V47KP many times on 160.
In my opinion your TX signal is superb as is and is already
one of the best from the Caribbean.  I would not waste my time
trying to improve it.  However, you definitely have problems
hearing!  If I were you I would focus my efforts on better
RX antennas which should yield *many more* contacts than a
few more dB in transmitted signal strength.

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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