[Amps] Tank Coil spacing

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Mar 26 17:30:06 EST 2007

> Boy, you and Tom like to complicate things.  It should be 
> easy to just read a bit, come close to an existing design, 
> blindly substituting parts on hand, and have a "perfect" 
> amplifier.
> But, now with this information, you are requiring us to 
> actually learn about all this and think for ourselves.
> Life was much simpler when I could get on the air by 
> simply hooking up a piece of wire to my ARC-5 and turning 
> the rotary inductor and link for maximum brightness of the 
> pilot light connected across the feedline.  The chirp was 
> just one of those qualities that gave me a distinctive 
> signal.

That's what I always used.

Even though 60dB down, I occasionally got harmonic reports 
on 40 meters when I used an EDZ at 150 feet on 80 meters. I 
simply added a 1/4 w shorted stub that switches in line when 
I pick the 80 meter antennas.

No matter how "AR" we get and how much we work the numbers, 
the bottom line is always going to be if we get bad reports. 
If we do, then we fix the problem. Any level of spurious or 
harmonic emissions that causes a problem is technically 

73 Tom

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