[Amps] TMC amp toroid tank

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Mar 26 20:53:55 EST 2007

> I could see really killing it if the turns were shorted 
> but this amp uses
> taps on the toroid coil it does not short the turns.

I don't understand that.

Surely at least one end is tied to a tap point!
Let's assume the thing has 20 turns and the 20 MHz tap point 
is at 4 turns. If the 4 turn tap was selected withouit 
shorting the end, you would have a 1:5 voltage step up.

My bet is they may not have a progressively shorting switch 
but they still short a large portion of the unused winding 
when on higher bands.

Shorting one turn or ten, it is a bad ideal in a closed 

73 Tom

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