[Amps] TMC amp toroid tank

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Tue Mar 27 11:46:17 EST 2007

Tom W8JI wrote:
>>This made me think that possibly you could make a very 
>>compact tank assembly by simply stacking six individual 
>>toroids with maybe 1/4" between them. Since so little flux 
>>escapes from the cores, they could be almost right up 
>>against each other and the chassis (as long as they are 
>>insulated properly).
> They have more flux leakage than people think as well as the 
> electric field problems Vic, but it still might be OK.
> You'd have to short all or most of the unused toroids.

Does double pole switching work - or is it too hairy at the high 
impedance end?


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