[Amps] full range C vs. padders

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Sat Mar 31 12:17:43 EST 2007

Hi Steve,  I try to use full range variable caps whenever  possible.  Padding 
both C tune and C load variables does work, however I  have noticed that 
given the same capacitance either way changes things.   What I mean is, take a 
150UUF variable C tune cap and say 250UUF is  needed.  You pad it with 100UUF of 
lump capacitance. On the other hand you  take a full range 250UUF variable 
cap.  When each is put in a circuit they  will behave in a slightly different 
manner since each will have a different Xc  value though the C value is the same. 
 I have noticed this in my building  and so when I do a tank circuit I notice 
things change if I use a full range C  versus a padded C variable.  Lou

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