[Amps] Bird wattmeter

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Tue May 8 03:36:30 EDT 2007

Ed wrote:
> If Bird is so darn Bad an inaccurate, why has it been the gold standard all 
> my adult life and still is the one EVERYONE else compares themselves to? My 
> BS meter is pegging.
Things can become gold standards because they are truly good, or because 
of weight of numbers, folklore and peer pressure.

Bird 43 etc are good at what they do - inline measurement, wide 
frequency range and power capability, portability, durability, price. 
Move away from on site installers and ham radio and they're no sort of 
standard at all. In my environment they're useful to indicate if 
something is working or broken.


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