[Amps] UTC S50 XFMR tspa

John T. M. Lyles jtml at lanl.gov
Wed May 9 14:26:50 EDT 2007

Yours is the same as the S50 in catalog, just terminal arrangement 
and marking are different. Plus the taps on the primary, for low line 
voltage, high line voltage, probably.

The two 5000 V posts are the ends of the taps for 2500 and 2500 
windings, and the two 6000 posts are the ends of winding at 3 kV each 
with respect to ground. The center tap is to be used, as those 
transformers were rated to be used in full wave center tapped 
operation, 2 diodes for rectifier instead of a bridge of 4. If you 
were to try and use the end-to-end voltage into a full wave bridge to 
get much higher voltage, you may damage the secondary winding as the 
center tap would float, supposed to be at chassis potential with that 
iron. It was rated to work at 2625 or 2175 VDC output, when connected 
to a two section choke input filter, with 300 mA DC ICAS rating. It 
should not be used for 300 mA for 24/7 operation without cooling 
down. But for intermittant ham transmissions, its probably fine for 

As others have probably said, the amperage on the 115 VAC side will 
be dependent on the load, if you are running AM, CW, or SSB. Using an 
L input filter as the transformer was intended, should result in 
lower peak current. Knowing that you only have 300 mA and 2625VDC, it 
could supply 787 watts intermittantly, which might be the DC input to 
an amplifier of 500 watts output. For SSB it might be pushed a bit 
for current, but the voltage would probably sag in response due to 
the secondary and primary wire size. With 787 watts off a 115 volt 
circuit, you would draw 6-8 amps, no more than some vacuum cleaners 
in homes. That transformer is undersized for pushing a 4-1000A 
tetrode to decent power. From what I am told, that tube can run 
higher HV. You will find it a bit low on voltage for that, although 
it will work in a pinch, with about 500 watts output at lower gain.


>Message: 3
>Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 19:23:03 -0400
>From: "Bill Otten" <harpman54 at tampabay.rr.com>
>Subject: [Amps] Transformer question...
>To: <amps at contesting.com>
>Message-ID: <001001c791c7$d3f77d80$6701a8c0 at Home4Bill>
>Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
>Hi, I'm new to the group and just learning a great deal reading 
>through the archives of this list. One question I have: I was given 
>a United Transformer model S50 (called the special series in the 
>only reference I could find online...a 1962-63 catalog). The S50 
>listed there isn't the same as the one I have. THAT one was listed 
>as 115volt primary with secondaries of 3000-2500-0-2500-3000.
>The one I have has the two 115 volt primary taps and  a center tap, 
>but there are 2 connections on top marked 5000volts and two more 
>marked 6000 volts. I haven't a clue what the DC amperage rating 
>might be on this amp, nor do I have any clue as to whether it would 
>power an RF deck. I think my concern would be the pull on a 115 volt 
>circuit to run 6000 volts out. Size is about 10" high by 9" wide by 
>7" deep. Plenty heavy.
>Bottom line: I'd appreciate any insight into this transformer and 
>whether it would supply an amp somehow. It tests fine. 10 volts in 
>and about 470volts out on the 5000v taps. I can't recall the results 
>of the 6000volt taps but they were a bit higher than the 5000 volt 
>I have the RF deck already complete...a very nice 4-1000A, just got 
>to deal with getting a power supply to fire it up.

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