[Amps] W6PO 2m amp

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Wed May 9 20:44:23 EDT 2007

>> I have the amp connected to an FT-847 exciter and a large
>> Bird dummy
>> load.  HV is between 2500 and 3000vdc on the plate.  I 
>> see
>> about 300mA
>> current on the plate when I'm getting 300 watts out but
>> very little
>> current on the grid meter, which I find a bit odd.

Here's the thing.

We don't know how much drive you are applying (you didn't 
say), but the efficiency appears low. If we can believe your 
meters the amp is running 800 watts input and only 300 watts 
out. That's only about 37% efficiency.

That, along with no grid current, is a sign the tank is 
either not fully resonant or is overcoupled.

If you are driving it with 50-100 watts plate current should 
be around 500 mils to an amp. If drive is that high and the 
plate current is low either you have a  lot of loss on the 
input or the tube could be soft.

It could be a lot of things. The tube, the input circuit, 
the tank (only if you are using low exciter drive).

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