[Amps] Transformer question...

Bill Otten harpman54 at tampabay.rr.com
Wed May 9 21:15:50 EDT 2007

Hi Marv,
This particular transformer doesn't have a secondary center tap --
just the primary does (115 volts). The secondary(s) are two posts
marked 5000v and two more marked 6000v.

The best I could find for a transformer from United listed as a Special
Series Model S50 was for one with a 115v primary and secondaries of
2350 volts and 3000 volts, roughly 1/2 of the  transformer I've got. That
particular transformer had a 300mA capacity, I'd have to guess mine is
twice that based on the increased secondaries.

Regardless, I now think I'm on the hunt for a plate transformer capable
of driving this 4-1000A amp. Something about 4500-6000 volts on the
secondary and with 220 primary.

Anyone got one they want to part with???

....by the way, thanks to Carl, KM1H and Jim, K7RDX for their advice on this 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Radio WC6W" <wc6w_amps at yahoo.com>
To: "Bill Otten" <harpman54 at tampabay.rr.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Transformer question...

> Hi Bill,
>  That transformer is designed to be operated with the
> secondary center tap grounded.
>  It is not insulated for full wave bridge connection.
>  And it's only good for about 1KW.  Hardly enough to
> wake up a 4-1000A
> 73 & Good morning,
>  Marv WC6W
> http://wc6w.50webs.com/
> --- Bill Otten <harpman54 at tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm new to the group and just learning a great
>> deal reading through the archives of this list. One
>> question I have: I was given a United Transformer
>> model S50 (called the special series in the only
>> reference I could find online...a 1962-63 catalog).
>> The S50 listed there isn't the same as the one I
>> have. THAT one was listed as 115volt primary with
>> secondaries of 3000-2500-0-2500-3000.
>> The one I have has the two 115 volt primary taps and
>>  a center tap,  but there are 2 connections on top
>> marked 5000volts and two more marked 6000 volts. I
>> haven't a clue what the DC amperage rating might be
>> on this amp, nor do I have any clue as to whether it
>> would power an RF deck. I think my concern would be
>> the pull on a 115 volt circuit to run 6000 volts
>> out. Size is about 10" high by 9" wide by 7" deep.
>> Plenty heavy.
>> Bottom line: I'd appreciate any insight into this
>> transformer and whether it would supply an amp
>> somehow. It tests fine. 10 volts in and about
>> 470volts out on the 5000v taps. I can't recall the
>> results of the 6000volt taps but they were a bit
>> higher than the 5000 volt taps.
>> I have the RF deck already complete...a very nice
>> 4-1000A, just got to deal with getting a power
>> supply to fire it up.
>> Thanks!
>> Bill
>> KC9CS
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