[Amps] resonant filter                       tspa

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Mon May 14 23:55:56 EDT 2007

John said:
> Oil and 
paper caps will eventually fail if not careful.<
I haven't had a failure. But on a 3800 volt supply, the tuning cap is at least 5kV - it may be 10 -  and was from a radar where I suspect it had to handle the prf at power. But it's big, and I guess that bigger caps don't get as hot internally. For a 350 volt supply, I've been using a 1 kV rated metal cased WW2 tubular paper for over 20 years now.
I guess in general, hams have a somehat cavalier attitude to capacitor current ratings, and as John says, that can let you down.

Peter G3RZP

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