[Amps] News of G3RZP

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun May 20 18:29:12 EDT 2007

Peter has asked to pass on his regrets for not being at Dayton, and to 
let you know that he will not be active on AMPS for a few weeks, as he 
is in hospital with kidney trouble.

His wife says he is responding to treatment, and is already insulting 
his friends again; which is a very good sign.

If anyone wants to call him, the number in the UK is 07046 420055 
(mobile rates apply) and ask for extension 4907. Best times are 
10:30-13:00, then 14:30-20:30.

I'll try to keep the group posted.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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