[Amps] 2 Tubes in Parrallel:

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Fri Nov 9 10:31:30 EST 2007

Bruce, your 1300 ohm figure is right on the money.
The three Ameritron amplifiers you mention run similar plate currents so  the 
plate load Z will also be similar. The loaded Q might vary a bit from unit  
to unit but this causes no problems in the real world.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 11/8/2007 7:00:22 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
n9bx at mchsi.com writes:

>From  What I read when you have two tubes in Parallel, Like two 3-500 
the RL is  1/2 of what it would normally be if one tube was used.  Since 
the  good people at Ameritron have shown us the schematics for the Al-84,  
(2-3550), al-1200 and al-1500.  I wonder why all of the same  components 
are used in both AMPS?  Like Tank circuit and Capacitance  Values.  Does 
this not effect the operating Q of the final Tank  circuit?

I only ask this in hopes that someone could shed some light on  my quest 
to build a 2 x 8877 Amp.

If I had 3600 Volts on the Plates  of Two tubes, and figuring 1.82 x 1.5 
amps that should give me a RL of  1318.  Or 1300.  Should I design my 
Tank circuit for that  value?  In everything I read this is Correct. 
Please give me your  thoughts.

73 Bruce  N9BX
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