[Amps] Non-Inductive Resistors

Barrie Smith barrie at centric.net
Sun Nov 11 13:12:55 EST 2007

This thread about 50 ohm loads reminds me that recently, while searching for large resistors for a power supply project, I came upon the skeleton of an old mil-surplus power supply that contained several non-inductive resistors.

There were 4 33,000 ohm and two 800 ohm units, all unmarked as to wattage, but at least (guessing) 100 watts.

They were all marked as to resistance, and all marked "non-inductive".  All are designed to fit into a largish fuse holder.

Just idle curiousity, but why would a power supply contain non-inductive resistors?

Barrie, W7ALW, DN36au,
QRV 6M, 432 & 1296 EME

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