[Amps] 3-500ZG RF Parts tubes

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at eon.net.au
Mon Nov 12 16:12:18 EST 2007

 From what I know, they are all Chinese apart from the Amperex. The 
Chinese ones probably all come from the same factory and have 
different labels stamped on them. The different prices simply account 
for the label owners' different profit margins.

I have used the generic Chinese ones quite extensively and they are 
real goers. Can't recommend them highly enough.

Talk to Hsu. He has/had contacts at the tube factory and he might be 
able to organise a deal for you. I bought my tubes through him.

73, Alek

At 12:29 AM 13/11/2007, you wrote:
>Anyone have input as to which of the 4 brands of 30500ZG sold by RF Parts is
>best re: reliability?
>They offer Chinese, Taylor, Their own label, and Amperex, all at different
>prices and warrantees.
>Bob  W6TR
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com


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