[Amps] Bird 1KW+ Load Resistor/possible danger !

jeremy-ca km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sat Nov 17 17:49:30 EST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nils Petter Pedersen" <la7sl at online.no>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Bird 1KW+ Load Resistor/possible danger !

> Hi Carl !
> Global warming may not affect you seriously in your lifetime...but it 
> could
> affect
> your grandchildren.. that does not concern you ?

It concerns me in a small way but since there is nothing that any humans can 
do Im not going to brood over it. The whole solar system is in a warming 

> But to stay on topic:
> It is true that PCB is not an acute health risk to humans. You will not 
> die
> tomorrow
> unless you drink a substantial amount of the stuff.


> What is less known is that PCB's are regularly contaminated with much more
> toxic
> agents such as dioxines. These are results of either the manufacturing
> process or are made by
> heating PCB's to high temperatures. An incident in Japan with PCB
> contaminated
> cooking oil left 1500 people seriously sick with multiple symptoms. It was
> found that
> PCB content in the oil was quite low,- but as the PCB's were heated a
> chemical reaction
> caused formation of extremely toxic substances.

I would hope that no hams are going to be substituting transformer oil for 
trans fats <G>

> When I worked in the labs of Philips electronics we had very strict 
> routines
> for handling
> PCB contaminated materials. Not so much for the PCB's itself, but for the
> very toxic
> byproducts.

Ive a friend who is 82 and in excellent health that worked as a power 
company lineman for 44 years. All it takes to stay healthy is a little 
common sense.

> Why take the risk ??  Is your attitude a heritage from the famous cowboy 
> era

What attitude? All I said was to take adequate precautions and dont get your 
knickers in a knot over a very short one time exposure. Europeans seem to 
have a rather overblown excitability quotient with safety and enviromental 
issues. Ive spent considerable time over there from Norway to the 

I prefer to err on the side of safety but not take it to ridiculous levels.


> ?  :-)
> 73's Peter
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "jeremy-ca" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>
> To: "Nils Petter Pedersen" <la7sl at online.no>; <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 8:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Bird 1KW+ Load Resistor/possible danger !
>> Worrying about PCB oil is about as ridiculous as worrying about global
>> warming. Both will take a long time to hurt you and thats even
>> questionable.
>> Take reasonable precautions, dont bathe in it or mix with vodka.
>> Carl
>> KM1H
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