[Amps] Misconceptions about hazmat in ham radio equip

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Sun Nov 18 03:51:39 EST 2007

John Lyles wrote:

> Now for beryllia. It is used in SOME power tubes, not LOTS of them. Eimac had to include a disclaimer about it with every tube....

I'm intrigued by 'had to' - do you know why?

It is also in beryllium-copper metal used for EMI gasket material

As I understand it: Be metal in BeCu is very safe. Raw Be is 
nasty, but no-one will encounter it in normal life. BeO is toxic 
in the same was as asbestos - it's not poisonous, but the 
particles cause chronic lung irritation that can develop into cancer.


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