[Amps] 8877 Grid Trip timing

Rick Stealey rstealey at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 2 10:23:53 EDT 2007

 In a posting about QSK Tom, W8JI wrote, and got me thinking:
"A set of 3CX800's can be ruined in just seconds of operation 
with excessive grid dissipation."

I am working on a homebrew 8877 amp here and the circuit I am using for grid 
trip is very common.  It is a simple pot off of the cathode line to ground, driving 
a transistor which pulls in a relay.  The relay breaks the PTT line.  Here's my
question - the relay has a 100 uf electrolytic across it which slows down the trip 
time and also the time to reset, which is probably less than a second although it 
seems like forever.  This time constant would mean that momentary overcurrent
in the grid circuit would be tolerated.  Is this ok?  I am considering lowering 
the value of the cap or even eliminating it.  If I eliminated it, then would
you think it would become annoying, tripping on little spikes.  

Rick  K2XT

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