[Amps] 8877 Grid Trip timing

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Tue Oct 2 17:41:34 EDT 2007

> So I got up my courage at the right moment and 
> shorted the high voltage.  It silently tripped off.  All
> the meters went to their standby readings.  I guess 
> the HV transformer kind of grunted.  But not a
> sound excepting for LOTS of laughing about how
> they had got me all prepared for a huge mess and
> how nervous I ought to be.
> Clowns!
In my college work experience days I worked in a team on a L band 
radar system - the output device was a hybrid of TWT with klyston 
built in at the bottom. As best I recall it sat with 40kV across 
it and drew 28A when rf drive was applied giving over 500kW pulse 
out, about 10kW mean. The aim was to modulate the rf drive so as 
to get a square rf output pulse, and there was a diecast box of 
opamps in the corner of the HV cabinet. 'Scope probes were mounted 
on the end of 3' plastic rods to check the test points.

The whole thing was in a big open 'hangar'. One day, with someone 
absorbed in studying the 'scope traces, his 'friend' dropped a 2' 
square plate of aluminium on the floor. It was weeks until he was 
right again. It takes a special sort....

I remember getting a couple of days off when the cooling hose came 
off the dummy load and sprayed all over the HV stuff. It took out 
the local sub station.

Happy days.


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