Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 6 22:10:54 EDT 2007

I came across a complete collection of EIMAC Application notes, including price sheets, and Indexes.  Anyone remember roughly what year an 8877 was retail $200?
Or a 3-500Z was $37.00, or a 3-1000 was $88?  or remember the VOA tubes shown in the Eimac Ads way back when?  You could get a 4CW250,000A for $6950.   If you need to know what the socket for that baby costs you aren't in the market.   
Hints below...

Anyway, I thought the Eimac Newsletters were kind of classics, and may warrant pdf-ing and posting for references. 
They have info on 
I don't have the required hardware or time, but would give this original collection to someone who can scan and post...anyone interested...

Hint:   #1 hit of the year... Roberta Flack.. "First Time...."

Other hit songs of that year of the $37.00 3-500Z were:
American Pie,  
Doctor My Eyes
Morning has Broken
Lean on me
Lion Sleeps tonight
Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress
Horse with no name
Knights in White Satin
Extra for experts:  Who were the groups that performed these songs?

All the Best, 73,
Pat Barthelow     aa6eg at hotmail.com
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