[Amps] CB Amps or full spectrum???

EP Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Tue Oct 9 09:24:45 EDT 2007

Hi Guys,

The old CB-type linear amplifiers can be VERY useful peripherals for the
mobile operator --- especially on 10-meters, where very little is needed in
the L/C networks incorporated within, beyond a bit of tweeking...

I especially like working on the tube-type amplifiers --- but beware! Many
of these things used multi-vibrator power supply systems incorporating
high-power GERMANIUM power transistors that can cost a small fortune to-day,
if you're not careful!

And the biasing of them needs attention, too (I guess CB'ers didn't concern
themselves with the QUALITY of their emissions, in as much as all they
wanted to be was LOUD). But even this can be as simple as installing 9 - 12
volts worth of battery power inside the thing, & replacing same once a

Nothing compares to that sudden but comforting "...Hummmmmm" when you first
key the mic, & the high-voltage p.s. kicks in! You're on the air, indeed, &
re-cycling a bit of radio history in the process, too...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jeremy-ca" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>
To: <chasm at texas.net>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] CB Amps or full spectrum???

> Im sure others will chime in but some of those CB amps are very useful on
> ham bands.
> BUT, they usually all need the following:
> Rebiasing for true linear service.
> Since the circuits are mostly copied out of manufacturers transistor
> it is easy enough to find the voltage requirements of a particular device
> (and the REAL ratings). Many VHF ham amps that claim SSB ratings also need
> bias upgrades to be linear.
> Switched output filters for each band, CB amps are wide open. Most will
> cover at least 40-10M; usually winding new transformers will get them down
> to 80 and even 160. Filter circuits have been published for years.  Ive
> converted a few to 6M.
> I can guess what some of the terms mean but Im not going there!
> Carl
> KM1H
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <chasm at texas.net>
> To: <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:24 AM
> Subject: [Amps] CB Amps or full spectrum???
> > Hoping that you all believe that the only stupid question is the one not
> > asked...  I got a bunch of really good ones.....
> >
> > I am looking for a solid state  mobile/portable/base amp that will perk
> > along
> > at about 1500 to 2kw PEP out.  But I can still use it at ca 400W for
> >
> > I work mostly 75 and 40m and occasionally 20m ham, SSB..
> >
> > Wandering around the internet to include the bane of my fellow
shooters --
> > ebay
> > I ran across a FATBOY amp 700W HF, Hidrive (WHAT????), base amp.
> > being auctioned off.  This eventually sold for half MSRP iow about $200.
> >
> > Now, that 700W out is about a nice mobile kicker but what in the devil
> > SWING and DRIVE and a few other things.??
> >
> > Also, is this what is called a CB Amp?  iow, only good for 10m (of
> > that
> > would never be used on 11m would it?? naaah!).  or can these be used for
> > the
> > full amateur bandplan???
> >
> > I then searched on FATBOY and found several sites like Redman CB  and a
> > Mexican site called ALA  or Amateur Linear Amplifier .  The latter sells
> > all
> > kinds of brands to include FATBOY such as Texas Star, Powerplate,
> > RMI, Silverstreak, etc.   I assume all of these are junk and very few of
> > them
> > meet FCC Class C or is that B?? specs ???
> >
> > Prices are good as well as those for some of their power supplies.  but
> > is
> > wasted money if the product is unusable on HF. ham bandplan.
> >
> > I assume that I should move along towards other amps instead but I have
> > always
> > had a prediliction for home built by talented hams in their garages.
> > such
> > is the Skywalker by RF Electronics.    any comments on that ???
> >
> > that is enough to get my education started   SWING???  sheesh but then
> > what
> > the heck is a "drain line".  ??   are these just slang expressions used
> > instead of the proper  English?  HiDrive allows the amp to be excited by
> > or
> > 4 watts.... yeah, that is a tip off as to what it is going to be used
> > hihi
> >
> > TIA and again, pardon my ignorance.  just cannot find the Amps for
> > book. on ARRL.
> > 73/chas
> > --
> > K5DAM  Houston  EL29fu    AAR6TU
> > aar6tu at mac.com
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