[Amps] Let down

jeremy-ca km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Thu Oct 11 19:46:17 EDT 2007

Is CQ still published? Shame on you Peter for even reading it. If you need 
some bathroom tissue I'm sure that one of your dailies would suffice (;

Once a great magazine, in the late 40's and 50's it often excelled QST for 
quality construction articles. I still have a GDO I built from a 1949 issue 
(that circuit eventually became the Measurements 59) using a 955 acorn 
triode. In the 80's I  "discovered" the all metal (no capacitors) T match 
from the same year I believe which had been used by Telrex for decades.

That trim the transmission line idea has been published on and off since at 
least the early 30's and I must confess to doing it myself back in ancient 
history. I think it was done to get the apparent VSWR down on one of the 
very early Hi-Gain 3el tribanders that I had around 1962 or so.

Some amp manufacturers, including Collins, required a specific length of 
input coax.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Chadwick" <g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:33 PM
Subject: [Amps] Let down

> All these years, I've been believing people like Tom, Carl and Ian and 
> even myself that the SWR on  a tranismission line, is, other than the 
> change caused by losses, independent of length. Now I read in the QRP 
> column of the October CQ that you should trim your transmission line 
> length for minimum SWR.
> Now, if it's in CQ, it must be right, OK?
> The same edition has a one tube CW rig with no mention of the fact that a 
> Tri tet oscillator having the cathode tuned to thw crystal frequency when 
> the plate  is so tuned is a notorious production of a 'rock crusher' 
> signal - the crystals  don't last too long.
> Now, if it's in CQ, it must be right, OK?
> But people like Tom and Carl and even Rich Measures never said so!!
> OK, so sarcasm is the lowest form of wit....
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
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