[Amps] How about a Solid State MARS amp

schuetzen chasm at texas.net
Fri Oct 12 00:01:17 EDT 2007

Tom Rauch said
 >I would never use a ALS500M at home. It really is intended for 
 >applications where you only have 12 volts and aren't using a good 
 >I would get the ALS600 FET amplifier. It is much cleaner.

Tom, the ALS500 is capable by virtue of size, weight, etc of being 
easily transportable from base to mobile to portable and back to base.
the -600 is not
Why would you not want the ALS500 sitting under your bench???

I have power supply capability for it either with the Optimas in 
parallel or thru PS from mains.

chas  k5dam

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