[Amps] CB Amps or full spectrum???

schuetzen chasm at texas.net
Fri Oct 12 00:27:47 EDT 2007

EP Swynar wrote:
> Hi Chas,
> My homebrewed 2x813 kilowatt linear amplifier covers every Ham band
> (including the WARC bands) from 1.8- to 29.7-MHz --- and points in between,
> too...
> The secret is a rotary tank coil, & flexible switching --- both OUT, as well
> as in! --- of the plate tuning / plate loading capacitors...
> ~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

I agree, I also think that is much of the problem
as I have said wishfully, if I could drop an amp into the middle of the 
MT3000A Dentron tuner, with its  ~18 position Inductance Selector and 
its in/out matching... I think that this would work ... of course as 
pointed out, there is a lot more to making the amp happy on all those 
bands to include the soft start, yada.....

The input or transmitter tuning could be done with an inexpensive Z11 
LDG tuner in line between the txcvr and the amp.  big problem so far, is 
doing all that tuning, bias, etc stuff I do not understand on the OUT 
put side of the amp.

but yeah, with a good rotary tank coil and enough taps... that makes it 
all bands capable.  now, getting a kw or so thru it with suppressed 
harmonics, etc...   My Daiwa 801 Wattmeter is my friend hihi

where do you find a rugged, transportable 25lb legal limit amp with that 
  rotary tank coil with all those taps, etc???


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