[Amps] Amateur Radio Vet Turns 100

schuetzen chasm at texas.net
Wed Oct 17 23:48:15 EDT 2007

Paul Christensen wrote:
> DSP processing and a bandscope -- and remember all 
> the technological changes and historical events in between.  Now that's an 
> enviable life.
> Paul, W9AC 

That was the gist of my eulogy at my father's funeral 11 yrs ago, 
In his lifetime he saw changes from steam to digital. from privies to 
bidet's. from bikes and horseless carriages to 120mph cars. from still 
exploring the earth to walking on the moon.  from life expectancy of 
50yrs to greater than 100 today. The changes in cancer treatment between 
seeing his mother die in the 1950s to survival rates at an all time high 
  today... The loss of our republic and its fall into socialism... I 
hope we never have to repeat that era again.

chas k5dam

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