[Amps] Output Coupling Capacitors: Failure Mode?
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Oct 31 13:13:48 EST 2007
If the fixed caps for 160 arent overheating then they are a real long shot.
How about the plate choke? Is it sufficient L for 160, does it look damaged?
Same for the choke bypass cap.
What type of input are you using? A saturated GG filament choke, or bad
input network coil or cap would be band specific items to look for.
----- Original Message -----
From: "EP Swynar" <gswynar at durham.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: [Amps] Output Coupling Capacitors: Failure Mode?
> Good Afternoon All,
> A few weeks ago there was a thread meandering its way through the
> reflector re. the failure mode of the output coupling capacitor in linear
> amplifiers --- I wish that I'd paid better attention, as I suspect my
> coupling cap here is entering the proverbial "...zone of no return"
> here...
> Specifically, when I make a long transmission on 160-meters, the RF output
> from my 2x813 kilowatt starts to creep downward. To-day I took the top
> cover off the amplifier, and fired-up into a Heath Cantenna. The output
> dropped RAPIDLY as I keyed the rig on & off, ending-up at just over
> 100-watts in a few minutes!
> Re-peaking the plate tuning capacitor helps some --- adding more "C" at
> the plate loading capacitor helps some, too...but it's all short-lived. In
> no time at all, RF drops again.
> I've felt the door knob output coupling capacitor for excessive heat (with
> the B+ off, of course!), but it feels normal. I've substituted the plate
> tuning buffer capacitor with another similar fixed vacuum unit, with no
> difference. Ditto the buffer cap for the loading side.
> Interestingly enough, the rig puts out a healthy, steady, 600-plus watts
> on other bands --- the problem seems limited to 160 (my favourite one, of
> course!).
> Can output coupling caps go south like this, but on a frequency /
> band-specific basis...? My next step is to replace mine with a 10KV glass
> capacitor (0.002-ufd.), but it's gonna be tricky getting that deep inside
> the bowels of this thing!
> Any & all thoughts appreciated, with thanks in advance...
> ~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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