[Amps] Shipping Alpha 91b from US to Eu

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 2 11:02:25 EDT 2007

I wonder if the export market for big amplifiers, is pinched by the high 
cost of shipping, the sheer weight of high power linear amplifiers, largely 
caused by linear HV supplies.

If so, is the cost of a switching high voltage high power B+ supply 
prohibitive to designing it into a high end  amp?   Would the weight savings 
(what would the weight savings be?) of a switching HV supply design overcome 
the (presumed) higher cost of a switching supply, over conventional designs?

Somewhere I have seen an ad for a relatively light weight, compact switching 
B+ supply for linear amplifiers.  Though, it was probably not inexpensive.

All the Best, 73,
Pat Barthelow     aa6eg at hotmail.com
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