[Amps] Loading capacitor

robert briggs vk3zl at bigpond.com
Thu Sep 6 21:12:24 EDT 2007

Hi all,I am seeking an E.F.Johnson loading capacitor around 800 or 
1000pf for another amplifier project GS-31B..I wonder if someone has one 
in the junk box in good condition for a reasonable price and 
postage??Please contact me email...

On another subject,I was in the supermarket yesterday and looking at 
office hardware I came across some trays made for holding A4 
sheets,envelopes etc.These are made from fine wire mesh and only cost a 
couple of bucks over here.Mesh is perfect for covering air 
inlets/outlets on linears.There is enough material in one tray for most 
jobs..Just thought it may be of interest.

Greetings from OZ.......Bob VK3ZL...

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