[Amps] 6 metres

jeremy-ca km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Sep 26 09:41:09 EDT 2007

A good LPF at the input and output of the amp does wonders. B&W and ICE make 
good them but use the QRO versions at the input also, the specs are better.

I suppose one could also install a coax stub in the feedline for some 
particularly annoying frequency.
I use a BPF at the input as I'm about 1 mile from a site with UHF TV, 
several FMBC and a load of 2 way gear. With the filter all crud is gone.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Chadwick" <g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 7:09 AM
Subject: [Amps] 6 metres

> One question comes to mind when running 600 or 700 watts on 6:
> Do you get problems with interference to FM BC, since the 2nd harmonic of 
> 6 falls in the FM BC band, and the chances of a BC rx hit with a big 
> signal on half the tune frequency producing its own spurs is likely? What 
> precautions are usually taken to keep the harmonics well down - I would 
> have thought they needed to be much better than the FCC limit if BCI is to 
> be avoided.
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
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