[Amps] How much electrolitic for a HV supply ?
Hamilton Horta - PY2NI
py2ni at terra.com.br
Wed Sep 26 10:12:28 EDT 2007
Thanks a lot Peter, these figures are very close to what I thought,
I was tempted to try (not in a definitive way but just run some tests) with
something around 6,7uF (7x 47uF in parallel) but only for the amp with just
one GI-7B. My feeling is that it´s going to prove me I am wrong :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF]" <peter at frenning.dk>
To: "Hamilton Horta - PY2NI" <py2ni at terra.com.br>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] How much electrolitic for a HV supply ?
> Hamilton Horta - PY2NI skrev:
> > Hi everybody, is there any rule of thumb or whatever to determine
> > minimum
> > amount of electrolitic caps should one put in a HV power supply?
> > I am building a VHF PA with 1x GI-7B @ 2200V and another for a
friend of
> > mine with 2xGI-7B, I know that we are usually biased to use as much as
> > possible but I am really eager to know the minimum for these two amps
> > running 1xGI-7B and one with 2xGI-7B both operating at 2200V.
> >
> > Thanks a lot.
> >
> >
> Hi Horta,
> It's mostly a question of availability of suitable Caps. A well suited
> common type is 450V/220uF, you could get by with 6 in series, but that
> is cutting it very close, prudence would say use 8 in series giving a
> reasonable margin on V and some 27.5uF - that'll do at least up to 500mA
> and likely substantially more.
> I'm using this configuration in both a 2200V supply for a Gi7b (144MHz)
> and a 3000V supply for a QB-4/1100 (HF), both has given trouble-free
> operation for several years and good reports on audio quality.
> --
> Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter
> ** CW: Who? Me? You must be joking!! **
> email: peter(no-spam-filler)@frenning.dk
> http://www.frenning.dk/oz1pif.htm
> Ph. +45 4619 3239
> Snailmail:
> Peter Frenning
> Ternevej 23
> DK-4130 Viby Sj.
> Denmark
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