[Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 57, Issue 52

Scott Manthe n9aa at arrl.net
Wed Sep 26 21:42:33 EDT 2007

Whether or not something impresses you or wastes your time isn't really 
the point.

I'd think someone who subscribes to this list might be curious how 
someone can get 100-150 extra watts out of an amp using tubes that 
aren't designed for the frequency range and stay relatively clean.

There are other people on this list that are curious to see how these 
miracle amps work. The attitude that "if a guy says he can do it... just 
let it go" is one of the problems in amateur radio today. Not enough 
people are willing to call B.S. and tell people that their scams, crappy 
operating practices, or junk gear are unacceptable. This is the attitude 
that allows people to get away with 10 kHz wide SSB signals and  and let 
manufacturers sell us SSB transmitters with class C IMD specs, creating 
transmited garbage that you can hear up and down the bands. These signal 
sound even better amplified by junk amps.

I'd love to get a dedicated 6m amp, but I'm not willing to pay my money 
and take my chances.

Scott, N9AA

Edwin Karl wrote:
> Re: Amplifier Linearity
> Does anyone besides me still use a 'scope in trapezoid pattern looking
> at input vs. output linearity?
> Seems like we're getting into "flat topping" tubes, etc just to get the max.
> output level etc.
> All the "it can't happen here" talk is really counter productive. If a guy
> says
> he can do it for heaven's sake let it go. Please don't try and prove how
> clever you
> are. It just doesn't impress me and wastes my time.
> Thanks
> 73
> ed K0KL

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