[Amps] New SB-200 owner

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Thu Sep 27 02:56:43 EDT 2007

In a message dated 9/26/2007 8:14:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
sub1 at rogerhalstead.com writes:

Were it  me, I'd start with a search for articles on such conversions.  They  
may or may not be on the net. I don't recall seeing any in the ham  
magazines, but I wasn't interested in doing a conversion until  recently.  As 
I recall the ARRL Handbook and amplifier books deal  with complete builds. I 
don't know about QEX.

To my knowledge there has not been a conversion published on the Sb-200  that 
I believe is worth trying.  I tried them in the beginning, found I had  to 
blow on the dials when tuning up so I can find "the sweet spot" for  everything 
to come together, but then, there are some that will be satisfied  with that.  
What really needs to be done is to take a tried and true  amplifier design, 
such as the many written for 6 meter 3CX800 and 8877 tubes and  simply adapt it 
to the Sb-200.  When the same principles are incorporated  properly to the 
Sb-200, you can and will have a nice easy to tune amplifier for  6 meters.  You 
will notice if you have any experience with an HF SB-200,  that it will load 
very smoothly on 80 and 40 meters, when you get to 10 meters  it gets pretty 
critical, can you imagine the tuning of the same amp at 50mhz if  all the same 
components are used?  Not too good, yet 85% of the trash you  will see on 
SB-200 conversions is exactly that, add on 6 meters to HF.  Do  a good sound 6 
meter only conversion and you will be a lot happier.  No  voodo magic needed.  
Good luck 73 Lou

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