[Amps] *** SPAM *** Re: IMD

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Thu Sep 27 09:51:30 EDT 2007

Tom said:
>The problem is when an industry or market 
suddenly changes and people "forget" there are two methods, 
one which was always standard use, and advertisers "forget" 
to adjust or state they are using a different method.<
And there you hit the nail very firmly on the head! It's like carefully changing antenna gain statements from dBd to dBi and similar marketing tricks.
Over here, we've tended to use relative PEP measurments, just as receiver senistivities were in many cases measured in terms of microvolts EMF, while the US used microvolts PD. Then the ECM/radar gang got involved and everything is in dBm now, but the actual voltage is as unknown since receiver input impedance is never specified!
I beleive the rule is to use whichever method gives the best looking numbers and infer that the method used is the most stringent...
Peter G3RZP

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