[Amps] No lids, no kids, no . . .
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Thu Sep 27 22:34:23 EDT 2007
The one Im thinking of turned out to be W1TJX from Putnam, CT. This was on
AM in the late 50's to mid 60's. He was old then.
I remember K1SJ also but with the Beverages he wasnt strong enough up here
to be a bother. On TX I blew right thru with the verticals or 180' high
crossed Inv Vees. It used to really piss him off that I totally ignored him.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger D Johnson" <n1rj at roadrunner.com>
To: "Amps" <Amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] No lids, no kids, no . . .
> jeremy-ca wrote:
>> Mike was a riot and as many knew it was mostly an act.
>> Another character was a Stanley from CT but I forget his call.
>> Those were the days of my Viking I and HQ-129X which have recently been
>> cloned here.
>> Carl
>> KM1H
> Ah yes. Stanley K1SJ. Used to sit on 3801 and talk to his sycophants.
> Clobbered the hell out of the top of the Dx window. Fortunately, I
> had a pair of phased verticals at the time and was able to work the
> stronger Europeans through his signal. Used to drive him nuts! In
> fact some have jokingly accused me of accelerating his demise. I
> saw his 3CX2500 amp for sale at the Deerfied Hamfest. So much for
> his protestations of running legal power. RIP Stanley...you are
> not missed.
> 73, Roger
> --
> Remember the USS Liberty (AGTR-5)
> http://ussliberty.org/
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