[Amps] relays

Dick Hanson dick at dkhanson.com
Tue Apr 1 09:58:13 EDT 2008

More info on the above. There is a relay made by Schrack (German co) that is
12VDC, SPDT, PC mount with double pin-outs. They are enclosed in plastic and
have very robust specs. I have used these with great success at HF and up
thru 2 meters at 2KW output. In my applications, I use PTT and sequencers,
and never operate QSK, so hot-switching is never a problem.
At least one US amp manufacturer also uses these units in their amps.
In quantity, they only cost about $3 each. They're also great for remote ant
switching applications.

I am presently on the road and do not have access to the spec sheet. If
anyone is interested, please email me off the list and I will forward the
data. There is also a US company that makes a similar product, but I cannot
remember the name. I do know that the US relay was featured in a QST remote
ant switch article several years back.

Dick, K5AND

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