[Amps] Replacing 811A with 572B

Paul M Dunphy amplifier at ve1dx.net
Wed Apr 9 19:45:40 EDT 2008

At 08:37 PM 4/9/2008, Bert Almemo wrote:
>Hi guys,
>I have a friend who wants to replace 4x811A with 4x572B in an Ameritron amp.
>I don't think it's a good idea but he insists a lot of hams do it. What do
>you think?
>73 Bert, VE3OBU

     It's a good move.  They are physically and electrically very 
close.  I did it with the AL-811H and instead of going through one or 
two of those Taylor Chinese clone 811As a month I never had to 
replace a tube again.  They are running at about 2/3 their voltage 
rating (the 572Bs) in an amp designed for 811As.  You can't get any 
glass tubes that are made in NA anymore, but if you substitute 
imported 572Bs for imported 811As.

     I have since sold the amp in favour of an ACOM-1000, but the guy 
who bought it a year ago still has the 572Bs in it.  The only thing 
is that Ameritron won't honor the warranty if you do this, so wait 
until the amp is a year or more old (and thus off warranty.)  I even 
discussed this with one of the techies at Ameritron and he said the 
switch to 572Bs was a good idea, although he couldn't "officially" 
recommend it.

73, Paul VE1DX 

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