[Amps] Amp Parts Needed

Bob Maser bmaser at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Aug 2 00:55:24 EDT 2008

I am coming down the home stretch on my part gathering search for my pair of 
4CX1500B grid driven amplifier.  Here is what I still need:

17x17" perforated aluminum
RF Plate Choke. Prefer a L7 choke
Simpson Wide View 3-1/4" panel meter FS=1ma
Millen HV connector M & F (the cherry red ones)
8 RU blank rack panel (14" tall)
1" tall porcelain standoffs
Heat sinks for MOSFET's
Silver plated strapping
Feedthru capacitors .02ufd @ at least 50V(for filament leads)
Shaft couplers (1/4")

Please contact me off line if you have some of this stuff.
Thanks for looking,

Bob Maser  W6TR 

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