[Amps] So-Called Utility "Smart Meters"

David Ackrill dave.g0dja at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Aug 14 17:09:33 EDT 2008

Anthony Rick wrote:
>  I don't think these meters provide constant transmission of data.  From my
> understanding, a reading is sent after a data request is made.  It makes it
> possible for a meter reading to be made from a vehicle in front of the
> premises and replaces the necessity for utility workers to enter the house.
> At least this is how it works in Madison WI.

Unfortunately, the meaning and implementation around the world is 
different dependant on where you happen to be...

In its basic sense, yes, "smart" metering meant communicating to the 
customer the intension of the supplier to levy higher or lower charges 
for energy at different times, and to communicate those pricing messages 
to the customer.

However, as any half aware Radio Amateur could have told them (and we 
did, believe me!) the message is only good within its context.  For 
example, telling me that energy is going to be twice as expensive if I 
am at home as it is going to be when I am away is of no use to me if I 
am out at work at the time because I have probably (if I care) tried to 
reduce my energy use when I am not at work anyway!

In the UK, these Smart meters only transmit the data if commanded to by 
a collection system.

Again, given what I know about tbe UK system, even if fitted it is not a 
continual transmission system.

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