[Amps] SB-1000

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 29 12:09:36 EDT 2008


I would carefully fabricate an inductor of known dimensions, say,   1" diameter, say 10 turns, 
figure out the calculated inductance, measure it, if you can.  Connect out of cirucuit to each 
doorknob cap, and resonate with a grid dipper, or antenna analyzer with resonant frequency 
function, and determine the capacitance from the standard resonance 

All the best,

Pat Barthelow   (916) 315-9271; aa6eg at k6bj.org

Jamesburg Moonbounce Team



> > Could you speculate as to possible cause of this problem. My first  guess 
> > was too much fixed capacity in the circuit but I have no equipment to 
> > measure the actual value of the doorknobs.    Have considered replacement 
> > in case they are mislabeled. Would sure appreciate any comments you could 
> > make about this problem.
> > Thank You
> > Joe M Frank WA8JOE
> > jfrank002 at neo.rr.com

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