[Amps] illegal amps?

RAY FRIESS rayfrijr at msn.com
Fri Aug 29 16:59:30 EDT 2008

That's why I put in tuned input and changed the output circuit ... to deal with potential harmonics.

> From: wlfuqu00 at uky.edu> To: Amps at contesting.com> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 13:32:14 -0400> Subject: Re: [Amps] illegal amps?> > The issue is not only are they illegal to operate on 11 meters, they may not meet the standards for amateur radio either.> CB'ers are not interested in the quality of emissions. Some of the solid state CB amplifiers are supposed to be useful from> 7MHz to 30MHz to suggest that they are good enough for amateur use. But if you take a closer look you will notice that> they do not have band switched low-pass filters and they produce loads harmonics.> You will have to at least add a low pass filter to these and many will require other work done to them to> reduce splatter (IMD) and operated at lower than specified output levels for the same reason.> Now. saying that, all licensed amateur radio operators are allowed to build their own equipment provided that it does not> produce any harmful interference and meets Amateur Radio Standards and limits. You may use as raw materials what ever> you want, including parts, pieces or complete radios from other sources. It is up to the amateur to do what is necessary to> make it a good piece of equipment.> Just don't expect that "1000 Watt" single 4cx250A amplifier to produce 1000 Watts or even half that and have a clean signal.> > 73> Bill wa4lav> ________________________________________> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of EP Swynar [gswynar at durham.net]> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 11:31 AM> To: Amps at contesting.com; af2c at njdxa.org> Subject: Re: [Amps] illegal amps?> > Hi Jay,> > Don't knock 'em!> > Instead, get in on some of the action & get yourself a good that might be> readily converted to legit Ham radio use.> > That's what I did years ago with a Palomar-150...what a great adjunct it> became to my Radio Shack HTX-10 mobile 10-meter transceiver. I ran more> power from my car than a lot of guys did from home!> > I worked a LOT of DX with it when 10 was open, both SSB as well as AM...> > ~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ> > > *******************************************> > ----- Original Message -----> From: <af2c at njdxa.org>> To: <Amps at contesting.com>> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:32 PM> Subject: [Amps] illegal amps?> > > > And you thought that ebay wasn't selling CB/11m amplifiers! Look again at> > the ebay items below!> >> > 260278016470> >> > 260278920275> >> > 290255038685> >> > 300253407694> >> > 190247651351> >> > 140261946502> >> > 200249202928> >> > 170256247756> >> > 270269760761> >> > 73,> > Jay/AF2C> >> > _______________________________________________> > Amps mailing list> > Amps at contesting.com> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps> > _______________________________________________> Amps mailing list> Amps at contesting.com> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps> _______________________________________________> Amps mailing list> Amps at contesting.com> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps

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