[Amps] Ameritron Amps?

Gary McAdams g.m.mcadams at comcast.net
Sat Aug 30 18:08:58 EDT 2008

Hello All,

I have a question about Ameritron amps.

Before we start, lets not get into an "MFJ is Crap" thread if possible. 
I know that they have their Q&A problems so lets not deal with that OK?

What is the biggest difference between the AL-1500 and AL-1200 amps, 
besides the different tubes? If the price is the same or almost the 
same, then why would the 1200 be offered?

I have an old Kenwood TL-922 that I will probably have to replace. It is 
getting troublesome, and I'm getting tired of working on it. I am 
looking at the entire Ameritron line as it seems to be a good 
price/value but it is a bit confusing about the differences between to 
very similar amps.

How about the AL-572?

At any rate, if you made it this far, thanks for reading, and if you 
have any hints I'd appreciate it.

thanks and 73

Gary WG7X

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