[Amps] Linear Amps

DAVE WHITE mausoptik at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 3 06:58:24 EST 2008

> <snip>
> I think the original point was that there's a difference between those
of us who build stuff (any stuff) and what appears to be a generation of
appliance operators.
That's a given, but does it make a ham any better at emergency 
communications?  Does it the ham a better character?
Amateur Radio is a diverse hobby/service with a vast array of 
capabilities and services to offer the community and nation.

 Hi RogerNO! Of course not.  I merely said that there's a DIFFERENCE. I think it's one of mindset.  No implication of home brewersbeing superbeings or of superior character was intended!  :-)  That would be a ridiculous statement!Hats off to the folks who handle emergency traffic.  cheersDave

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