[Amps] field day - an illogical spinoff from Linear Amps

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Wed Dec 3 11:15:18 EST 2008

Gee Dave,

You sure know how to wine & dine em'!

You old Romantic, you.



> I proposed to my wife at VHF Field day 1992 - in a wind-swept field full of tents and antennas in the pouring rain at Flamborough Head on England's east coast.
> Happy memories!
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
> --- On Wed, 3/12/08, kenw2dtc <kenw2dtc at comcast.net> wrote:
> From: kenw2dtc <kenw2dtc at comcast.net>
> Subject: [Amps] field day - an illogical spinoff from Linear Amps
> To: "Richard Schmuke" <rdj at wildblue.net>, amps at contesting.com
> Date: Wednesday, 3 December, 2008, 4:04 PM
> "Hey , what are you doing watching our field day"
> No, I wasn't watching your field day.  I was describing a field day where a
> guy brings his own HF rig, no ond helps him operate or log, and when he gets 
> tired, the beer and hot dog guys pack up, get on the 2 meter club repeater 
> on the way home and talk about how field day wasn't like the old days.
> No, you guys had a real field day.
> 73,
> Ken W2DTC

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