[Amps] Non Detergent motor oil for dummy loads?????

Ryan Foster foster.ryan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 15:48:03 EST 2008

You could also check for used transformer oil from the power company.  I got
mine by going to the service depot for the local area of our power company
and after a lot of explaining as to why I wanted the used oil, they filled
with new clean oil for nothing.  The time to get it wouldn't have been worth
the $10 if I could find it though, hihi!

--Ryan w8cya

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Jerry K <w5kp at hughes.net> wrote:

> Quite a few places make a living refurbishing power company pole and
> ground type transformers, there are two places like that in my area.
> They use a LOT of modern "official" no-PCB hi-temp transformer oil, and
> buy it in 55-gallon drums. They were nice enough to give me a couple of
> gallons of it because they didn't want to mess with the paperwork to
> charge me for what they considered such a tiny amount. Check the phone
> book, maybe one of those places is around your town.
> Jerry W5KP
> Lloyd Korb wrote:
> > I am resurrecting an old Heath Cantenna and having a hard time finding
> > mineral oil in large quantities.  I have heard that is okay to use non
> > detergent motor oil.  Is there any truth to that?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks, 73
> >
> >
> >
> > Lloyd  K8DIO
> >
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