[Amps] Plate choke resonanse and safe operation

OZ1AXG Flam oz1axg.nospam at dxmail.dk
Sun Dec 7 06:06:15 EST 2008

the RFC is Installed

I will try to measure the resonans again. For 27 MHZ i did the measurement 3 
times. A grid dip meter is not the most accurate instrument, so i will try 
it again. but how close is "safe" ? what would the symptoms be at tuneup if 
resonans is close by ?

Then old RFC fried (broke a wire) when i accendential tranmitted 125 watt 
(1/2 second) in the amplifier. Had forgotten to reduce the drive before 
tuning :=(  This has happened before on other band - but this was a first 
for 30 meters ...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>

> Is that installed or on the bench? That first one is too close for
> comfort for 10M CW.

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