[Amps] Plate choke resonanse and safe operation

OZ1AXG Flam oz1axg.nospam at dxmail.dk
Sun Dec 7 16:27:45 EST 2008

Hi Vic

I did measurements when the RFC was installed in the amplifier. What do you 
mean by "shorted" ?

Also I operated the amplifyer today. on 28.400 MHz the Plate current and 
output is normal compare to a similar tuneup on 21.200  MHz (500Watt).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vic K2VCO" <vic at rakefet.com>
> You didn't mention it, but I assume that you know that the choke must be 
> *shorted* when
> you dip it.
> I am afraid that the symptoms are mostly that the choke burns out!

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